Form validate

with one of http, https, ftp allowed protocols.

Form Built-in validate

Here is the list of parsley.extra validators

Name Api Description
Min Words parsley-minwords="6" Validate that a field has at least 6 words.
Max Words parsley-maxwords="6" Validate that a field has 6 words maximum.
Range Words parsley-rangewords="[6,10]" Validate that a field has between 6 and 10 words.
Greater Than parsley-greaterthan="#elem" Validate that a field's value is greater than #elem's value.
Less Than parsley-lessthan="#elem" Validate that a field's value is lower than #elem's value.
Before date parsley-beforedate="#elem" Validate that a field's date is before #elem's date.
After date parsley-afterdate="#elem" Validate that a field's date is after #elem's date.
In list parsley-inlist="foo, bar, foo bar" Validates that a field's value is present within the value list. You can define the delimiter using parsley-inlist-delimiter=",". Delimiter defaults to ",".
Luhn parsley-luhn="true" Validates that a fields value passes the Luhn algorithm. Validates credit card numbers, as well as some other kinds of account numbers.
American Date parsley-americandate="true" Validates that a value is a valid American Date. Allows for slash, dot and hyphen delimiters and condensed dates (e.g., M/D/YY MM.DD.YYYY MM-DD-YY).