Basic options Examples with basic picker options
Basic color picker

Color picker with default options

Custom button text

Specify custom text for each button

Hide picker buttons

Display only color picker area

Disable color picker

Enable or disable color picker

Container color

Custom container color class

Replacer color

Custom replacer color class

Picker additions Show additional picker elements
Show initial color

Show color that was initially set

Show input field

Add input for free form typing

Show alpha channel

Allow alpha transparency selection

Clear selection

Reset current color selection

Input and initial

Combining different elements

Full leatured

Full featured picker example

Color palettes Add a color palette to the picker
Show color palette

Display recently used colors

Show palette only

Show palette and nothing else

Toggle palette only

Toggle picker next to the palette

Selection palette

Keep track of selected colors

Limit selections

Palette colors are limited to 3

Hide after select

Hide picker after color select

Color formats Display different color formats
HEX color format

Display colors in HEX format

HEX3 color format

Display colors in HEX3 format

HSL color format

Display colors in HSL format

RGB color format

Display colors in RGB format

HTML color names

HTML color names support

Mix color formats

Change formats in the input

Picker events Basic usage of the picker events
Change event

Called as the input changes

Move event

Called as the user moves around

Hide event

Called after the picker is hidden

Show event

Called after the picker is opened

Dragstart event

Called as the drag event starts

Dragstop event

Called as the drag event stops

Flat pickers Display a full size color picker
Basic flat picker

Basic full size color picker

Flat color palette

Display both palette and picker

Set picker color

Custom flat color picker color

Show input field

Add input for free form typing

Full featured

Full featured flat picker

Show initial color

Show color that was initially set